Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Vocalpoint and BJ's have gotten together to offer FREE trial memberships to BJ's

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Biggest Health Food Scams of 2011 | Fitbie

The Biggest Health Food Scams of 2011 | Fitbie:

'via Blog this'

Friday, December 2, 2011

All Day I Dream About Food: Cranberry-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes (Low Carb and Gluten Free)

All Day I Dream About Food: Cranberry-Filled Chocolate Cupcakes (Low Carb and Gluten Free):

'via Blog this'

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mamavation Monday

How would you brand your health and wellness lifestyle? How do you want others to know you in this area?

For some reason this semester has been one of the worst and hardest since I went back to school. I can't put my finger on why, the classes are not that hard and the professors are not that bad it is just not a good sixteen weeks. I think if my health and wellness lifestyle was a brand right now it would be a fledgling company just getting started and still not sure of their place in the marketplace. I have big plans and lofty ideals but if they will come to pass I just do not know.

I am a tiny new company with big ideas that needs to make sure they don't bite off more than they can chew but grow steadily and make sure it grows to be strong and a company that will eventually be on the Fortune 500 list. The ladies and now gentlemen of Mamavation are great, like a vast library of information available to anyone that wants it.

This post is sponsored by New Balance and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Radio Flyer - 4 in 1 Trike

Radio Flyer - 4 in 1 Trike:

'via Blog this'

Guest post with Katie Roets

Katie is a great lady doing some great things, thanks for taking time to guest post.
Make sure to visit her at Life with Katie and Welcome Weightloss.

Hi everyone! You probably don't know me, but my name is Katrina. I blog over at Life With Katie and Welcoming Weight Loss. I'm a 35 year old mother of two and if I don't stop now, this is going to sound like an advertisement for something! Then again, in some ways it is. You see, my fiance and I are up for a pretty exciting opportunity. If we get enough votes, we get to be a part of the Mamavation Couples Campaign. This means that we could get the help we need to not only lose weight but to live healthier lifestyles. So, I'm over here telling you all about us in the hopes that you'll go and give us your vote.

So, like I said, my name is Katrina and I'm a "single" mom of two boys. I put single in quotes because while I am engaged, Justin lives about 2300 miles away in Arizona. Ours is a pretty typical tale these days. He has a great job in Arizona and can't find one in Michigan. I've got two great boys and because of them, I can't move to Arizona. Still, we do our best to make the most of a pretty crummy situation. That leaves me on my own though to handle a lot of things.

One of my favorite things to deal with are my boys. They're 10 and 11 now. I never thought I'd be old enough to say I had a child who just attended his first school dance. I am though and those two keep me really busy. Since they're pretty awesome kids, I love every single second of it. What I don't love is that I can't keep up with them anymore. My 10 year old can run rings around me while I stand there and pant. My 11 year old has cerebral palsy and will be having leg surgery in the next few months. It kills me that he has to go to his dad's house to recover because I know I'm not strong enough or in good enough shape to help move him as he recovers.

I want to be the best mom I can be to my boys, just like any good mom out there. I come from a family full of heart disease, various cancers and diabetes. I don't want to become another statistic. I want to be a young(ish), healthy and happy mom who can run up and down the football field without having to stop to catch her breath. I want to live to see my kids grow up (but please God, not too fast, ok?) and to see them (someday) happily settled down with families of their own. I want to give them a good foundation of how to be healthy. I want the statistics to stop with us.

To do this, I need your help. I need you to head on over to the Mamavation website and vote for us. There's no registration. All you have to do is check the box by CraftsByKatie and Justinvation and then scroll down and click on the vote button. Could you do that for me? Just remember, two minutes of your time could be adding years onto our lives.


(A huge thank you to Mary for allowing me to hijack her blog to post this. Her support has been absolutely wonderful.)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mamavation Monday

It has been a couple of weeks since I have done a MM post (I know I am a bad...... mom)with school and other family things going on. Water is easy for me to write about since close to 7 years ago we gave up soda and tea (or I did hubs still does a soda or tea now and then). I drink decaffeinated coffee or water with an occasional ginger ale or Sprite thrown in for variety. I love how water taste I love to eat ice I love it in all ways so the Brita Challenge was a great thing for me. Everyone would be so surprised to find out that after a while you loose your taste for soda's and tea and other than the few and far between cup of hot tea at the local Asian restaurant I can' drink it. It is weird that I can drink hot unsweetened tea but cold sweet tea (the official drink of the south) makes me gag. So folks drink up and take the Brita Challenge!

This post is sponsored by Brita and I took the Brita Challenge to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women .

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Memories, build your Digital Scrapbook and share it with your friends, family, or the world.

‎MyMemories is giving my readers their very own Share the Memories code that provides a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store

- $20 value!) STMMMS55566

Stay tuned for my review and a chance to win your very own copy of My Memories Suite Scrapbook software.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Taste of Clarkesville - Home

Taste of Clarkesville - Home:

'via Blog this'

Ga. drivers can now have medical info on licenses | AccessNorthGa

Ga. drivers can now have medical info on licenses | AccessNorthGa:

'via Blog this'

Mamavation Monday

I have been a bad Sista lately and been almost nonexistent on Twitter and Facebook. :( With finding out about being a diabetic (that really threw me for a loop), being gone almost a week at the race then trying to get caught up I have been so caught up in my own world I let things slide.

I have 1 pair on sneakers and they are so worn out I trip on the soles that are coming off! I am VERY picky about my footwear and although I have looked and looked and tried on and tried on I just can't find a pair that are comfortable for my very flat feet and do not cost more than the national debt. I would love to find some comfortable shoes that I enjoyed walking in and would be ok for riding the bike. I am still struggling with exercise and hope to have surgery during Christmas break and be able to get going after that.

We are still eating healthy but being out of our element for almost a week put a kink in our meal plans. Excuse is my middle name so I will quit and just do what I can and hope.

Everyone has been working hard, I do pay attention on Twitter and all the monsters, puke me's, and challenges are great and I have been looking at everyone's pictures and blogs. Keep up the good work ladies and gents.

This post is sponsored by Attune Foods and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women

Saturated Fat | Men's Health

Saturated Fat | Men's Health:

'via Blog this'

Monday, August 22, 2011

Marketing to Women: How Many Use QR Codes?

Marketing to Women: How Many Use QR Codes?

Little Levine

Little Levine



Mamavation Monday

Why do you think exploring intimacy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle?
Speaking from the point of view of someone that has been married the the same person for almost 26 years and living together for 4 years before that I can attest that after a while you can get stuck in a rut! Not only is a healthy sex life fun and exciting but it is good for you. Kissing, foreplay, intercourse all can be aerobic activities and can burn calories.

Intimacy can be sex or something as simple as holding hands, a look or a touch. Even after close to 30 years together I still love to pat my husband on the behind (I's a behind woman) or just enjoy listening to him talk. So, remember intimacy is not only intercourse and not only carried out in the bedroom but in every room and every touch.

This post is sponsored by Eden Fantasys and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mamavation Monday

What qualities do you look for in a healthy breakfast? Any go-to breakfast recommendations for a busy mom?

I need something that is fast (Unless I make steel cut oats in the slow cooker overnight.)Usually we have instant oatmeal or some type of cold cereal for breakfast on the week days then I cook a big breakfast on the weekends or for special occasions. I have a fast growing 17yo son, a diabetic husband, and me who needs to loose a whole person so I have to make what I fix or have on hand healthy but low fat and carbohydrate. I finally got my husband after years of swearing he would never touch instant oatmeal try it and he liked it! That will make breakfast a lot easier for me and it is something that when he starts working on the 3rd shift that he can even take to work and fix in the microwave. I also take medication for high cholesterol so I am hoping that like my mom that eating the oatmeal regularly will help me get off the medication since most of them are not good for your. We are slowly but surely changing from our not so good eating habits to good ones and we see the result as he has started backing his insulin intake down. (Yeah!!!)

Bob Harper and Quaker Oats

This post is sponsored by Quaker Oats and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Quaker Oats.

Don't forget that @gruntstyle will be the boss this week.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mamavation Monday

What are your current technology tactics in your healthy living journey?

I can't wait to listen to Ryan Monday night because he has the best twitter name anywhere @nomorebacon that is just so cool!

I don't have any yet but I want to incorporate Wii Fit and a few of those into my exercise regiment when I can start. I guess I do use the internet to look for new and hopefully exciting ways to make good food more fun. I also love to listen to the moms both current and past and all the great ladies of Mamavation and . I think the use of technology is great you can do anything from looking up recipes to being able to tell how many calories you burn in a 30 minute run.

These days everyone is so hurry up and get things done that with the little losses or the pat on the back for a job well done makes a huge difference and women who might otherwise never stand a chance in the fitness ring are now getting slimmer and healthier and happier just due to technology.

“This post is sponsored by Omron Fitness and I’m writing this to be entered into an Omron Fitness pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation .” a

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mamavation Monday

What are the next big goals you want to tackle?

I am still working on getting off my butt and starting an exercise regiment and failing miserable. BUT I am still trying. I start school on the 11th so my big school goal is to make sure and keep up with homework and not get behind. This semester is science methods and geography for teachers so I will have to do some studying. My next HUGE goal is to figure out how someone who is terrified to drive is going to handle my classroom observation and then student teaching. I have an irrational fear of driving (I can do around the house, not happy and hate it but can do it) but I freeze up and can't do long distances. SO the goal between now and the first of the year is figure out what to do and how I need to do it.

I can't wait to hear from April Welch or guest this week, I need all the help I can get organizing myself.

I have lost 7 lbs over the last couple of weeks but probably from trying to remember to take my medicine BUT it is still a loss so I count it.

The new HUNGRYGIRL Flatout Bread products will be available in Walmart Supercenters beginning 8 August in the deli section.

“This post is sponsored by Flatout Bread and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation .”

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fred's Coupon Policy

Fred's | FAQ's

My Bags are Packed, My Heart is Full – 5 Minutes For Mom

My Bags are Packed, My Heart is Full – 5 Minutes For Mom

Tune in for "Who Is Simon Miller?" August 6th at 8/7c on NBC. It's an action-packed thriller about one family's mission to find out the truth about their father.

The Millers were an ordinary family living an ordinary life. That is, until the day Simon Miller went missing. Now wife Meredith, daughter Sarah and son Kevin must embark on a perilous mission to find him. But what they soon discover creates more questions than answers.

This heart-pounding thriller takes you on a family's journey and tests the limits to which the Millers will fight for each other—putting their trust, loyalty and forgiveness to the test.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mamavation Monday Week 2

Question: What has been your favorite Grunt Style workout? If you aren’t doing his workouts what has been your strength training routine?

I looked at the videos and the directions and got scared to death! I am very overweight and have not exercised in to many years to count so I just did not try. I start school in August so I will go to the gym in my over 2 hour break between classes. I may have to start with walking on the treadmill for 10 minutes and work my way up from there but I WILL at least try.

“This post is sponsored by Grunt Style and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Grunt Style.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday Crissi's story of her 90lb weight loss.

It CAN be done, it took her a year and 1 baby later but she did it! Congratulations Crissi you are an inspiration to women everywhere.

Here is Crissi's story

My journey to the new ME! :)
I have had so many people inquire about my weightloss journey and story... so I decided it was time to post this for all to see :) I have always struggled with my weight, my entire life. At my smallest I was a size 3-5, but TRUST ME, this was not done the healthy or right way.... I adveraged about a size 11-12 in my teens and early adult years, at my smallest. I was always known as the 'chunky' kid, and was always teased and felt horrible about the way I looked. When I got pregnant with Savannah, I was at my lowest weight and size ever... getting to this size unhealthily, contributed to my gaining right at 100 lbs with her. That's right, 100 lbs! I was horrified by this, but so thankful that I left my bad habits in the past and was able to have a healthy little girl. I kept the 100 lbs on for the next 6 years and 2 more babies. I didn't gain much with my 2nd, only like 6 lbs bc I was so sick in the beginning and dropped some due to that. When I got pregnant with Michael, I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, and this began my vow to myself to take my life back! I was put on the Gestational Diabetes diet with Michael, and lost weight during my pregnancy due to this. I started researching low carb diets, and was turned on to Atkins by my sister that was attempting it herself. I did my research, ordered the book, and decided that after I had the baby I was taking back control of my body! I was a size 20-22 at my highest weight, which was the same weight I was at when I had Michael. I actually looked into doing the HCG diet at first, tried it, and didn't last 1 day on it! I was starving! I immediately started Atkins, and am so thankful I did. HCG was just a temporary, quick fix, and would have caused nothing but yoyoing for me. I started Atkins July 7, 2010 after dropping about 20 lbs post pregnancy, and noticing it starting to creep back... (which is what happened with all 3). I have since, maintained that 20 lb loss and lost another 70, and went from a size 20-22 to a 4-6 all thanks to the Atkins way of life! :) I am absolutely, 100% sure that this is the way I am meant to eat, and will never eat any other way. I feel better than I have ever felt, and at least 10 years younger. I am very thankful to Atkins and everyone that has supported me throughout this journey. I coudln't have done it without either of them. ------------------------------​------------------------------​------------------------------​------------------------------​------------------- This is what I send to everyone who asks me about what I did and how I did it :) The main thing to remember is whole foods! Fresh meats and veggies.. that is it! Here is the acceptable veggie list for the first phase of Atkins:​Phase1/WhatYouCanEatinthisPhas​e.aspx Simplicity is what works for me, so I just do the simplest menu possible and stick with it week after week. I will broil/grill/sautee (in olive oil) my meat of choice (pork chops, chicken, steak, hamburger) and make veggies to go along with it. (Remember, no sauces like bbq, ketchup etc.. mustard is ok, no carbs, but most sauces are loaded with sugar) One of my favs is a lettuce wrapped burger, I put mayo, cheese, mustard, lettuce, tomato, onion in a huge leaf of lettuce with my burger and wrap it up and eat it... so good! When I eat a salad I like to use Ken's Ceasar... it has 0 carbs per 2tbs serving! The main thing to remember is to only use 2 tablespoons with any dressing. Ranch, blue cheese, italian, they are all acceptable as long as they are not more than 2 carbs per serving. If you start this and go all in with it, you will lose 10 to 15 lbs in the first 2 weeks! I lost 18 :) It is honestly the easiest thing I have ever done in my life, I am just mad I didn't try it sooner! The way it works: You are switching your body from burning sugar and carbs, to burning fat. The first few days you may feel bad, and if you do, drink some broth with salt in it, works every time. Once your body adjusts, you will feel better than you have in 10 years! I do. I have so much energy and stamina, some days I can't believe it. I recommend reading the book. It has loads of information in it (Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution) and it really helps once you understand the science of how it all works. I say I adopted this for life, bc Atkins is a 4 phase program, and eventually you add back in foods, slowly one at a time to see how they affect you. During this process, you will learn what foods are triggers for you (either craving sweets, gaining weight, or just false hunger pains {wanting to eat everything in sight when you know you shouldn't be hungry!}) This is the most important thing to learn about your body so that you can maintain your weight loss. There are a lot of misconceptions about Atkins, and so many people will try to bash it. Most of the time, I do not even tell people what I am doing bc of that. They are not educated on the topic, bc if they were, they would be doing it themselves! That is why it is important to learn learn learn as much as you can about it. Knowledge is power, right? I am still on phase 1, Induction. I will stay here until I am about 10 to 15 lbs from my goal. As he says in the book, the longer you stay in this phase, the faster your weight loss is. (Which is where I am now.. wow lol, I am still in shock daily at how Atkins has changed my life in such a short time!) The main reason this has worked for me vs any other "diet" I have ever tried, is bc I am NEVER hungry. You tell me I can't eat when I am hungry, and we have problems, lol. Tell me what I CAN eat when I am hungry, I am good! Eventually, you will find that your appetite will decrease significantly! All of the fat and protein you are consuming is to thank for that. So there is no need to count calories on this diet, as they will naturally taper off within the process. Snacks that got me through the first month until my appetite decreased was: Pickles, black or green olives, cheese, home made beef jerky (store bought is loaded with sugar!), celery with cream cheese, cucumbers, boiled eggs, deviled eggs, etc Please don't hesitate to ask any questions! I am so very happy to help. I am very passionate about this (as you couldn't tell) :) ps.. remember to use full fat everything. real butter, mayo, salad dressings... fat is your friend. 99% of low fat products have sugar added! Just NEVER buy anything that has "low fat" on the label. No processed foods like lunch meat.. bad news. If you drink coffee, use heavy whipping cream for creamer and splenda for sugar. Diet drinks are ok, but you should drink more water than anything. And take a good multivitamin. I take a multivitamin, fish oil, magnesium/zinc, and vitamin D every day. I LOVE this website: I can't begin to tell you how much support and knowledge I have gained from that site and support forum. I practically live on it everyday. There are tons of recipe sites out there for low carb, here are some of my favs:​ut/ (Check out Krys' journey here too, it has been amazing! She is kinda my mentor on the support forum. She lost 100 lbs in less than a year, and is now one of the featured success stories on the Atkins website!!)​ecipes.html (My favorite!) http://candiceslowcarbrecipes.​ I, however, find it much easier to just stick with whole foods and veggies the majority of the time. I just buy fresh cuts of meats and broil, grill, or sautee them and make my veggies or salad as a side. I will do a recipe maybe once a week, or so, but stick to pretty much the same things week in and week out. Like I said, I like simplicity :) This is a quote from Krys's website (someone I relied on heavily throughout my journey for support and knowledge :) (​-carb-myths/) There are many misconceptions about people who follow a low carb way of eating. I’ve found that Atkins is a VERY dirty word because people simply don’t understand the foundation of the plan or how the body functions while eating low carb. Here are some of the most common low carb “myths”. Low carb means no carbs.While it may feel like it at first, following a low carb way of eating does not mean you do not eat any carbs. While some plans have greater allowances than others, it all comes down to the individual. As with anything in life, you learn where you feel and function best. The average American consumes 300 grams of carbs per day, if not more. Usually, way way more. Most low carb plans will put you at a level under 100 grams of carbs per day. For me, I feel my best when I eat under 40 grams a day. You can’t eat fruit or vegetables. Quite the opposite! While on a low carb way of eating, this is where the majority of your carbs come from. Starchy vegetables (like white potato, peas, carrots) and high sugar fruits (like pineapple, bananas, grapes) are not encouraged, but non starchy and low sugar ones are. You’re increasing your risk for heart disease and high cholesterol. Again, the opposite. Study after study has shown that people on a low carbohydrate diet LOWER their risk for heart disease and their cholesterol actually improves. You’ll be seeing me add a section where news articles, medical studies, and other low carb scientific data are complied. I’m sure you’ll find this information very interesting! Low carb diets will ruin your kidneys!!! Nope. Not true. High protein diets are what can hae a negative impact on kidney function, especially if you have already compromised kidneys. Low carb plans generally focus on an moderate protein amount, and are high in fat. It’s inevitable that you’ll come across SOMEONE that tries to tell you that the way you’re eating is unhealthy. It’s up to you to educate yourself on this.
By: Crissi Syfert

Grill Away Your Gut

Grill Away Your Gut

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Some Georgia libraries go digital App Provides Free E-Books, Audio Books

App Provides Free E-Books, Audio Books

2 Likes to Change a Life | Jason Cupp .:. Blog

2 Likes to Change a Life | Jason Cupp .:. Blog

Science Methods

This semester I will be taking Science methods, this class gives us the tools to teach children about science and how the world works. I will be doing a good bit of in classroom work this semester and will be on the lookout for interesting science links, experiments, products to try and review and to recommend to my fellow students. If you have homeschool links, links to good website or companies post them here and I will check them out. Thanks!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mamavation Monday Twitter party to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Mamavation!

Well it is official the 2 year birthday of and Bookieboo is having a PARTY!!!!!! Tonight in fact.

It has been a long week but I finally got a few things done like my calendar for the next school year, now all I have to do is wait till they give J a final schedule and I will be done with that. It is full of Mamavation Mondays and ZipList lunch. The classes just fill in between Twitter parties LOL. See everyone tonight!

The main event tonight will be the announcement of the 2 new Mamavation Mom's and I can't wait to see who is picked. There are a lot of special ladies that are putting it all on the line tonight so show up and give them your support.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mamavation Monday #13 How did well did you manage to eat healthy over the holiday weekend (4th of July and Canada Day)? Any tips for the rest of the summer?

How did well did you manage to eat healthy over the holiday weekend (4th of July and Canada Day)? Any tips for the rest of the summer?

Well.... we are staying at my aunts house and doing the 4th here. We have worked all weekend getting her pool up and furniture put together and gazebo done. Eating good, some good some bad. We cooked some great squash on the grill and beef patties. I have eaten a good bit of salad this weekend and lots and lots and lots of water.

Giveaways LIVE on #Mamavation TV. This week sponsored by @ecofoilpans. Join us!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mott's for Tots

With 40% less sugar than 100% apple juice, Mott's for Tots® is a healthy treat kids will love and moms will love to give. Sign up now to receive information and savings on Mott's for Tots. And don't forget to pass this offer on to other moms with kids.

Ms Mary's World

It has been a few days since I posted, I have been busy running errands and just living life. I still have not started my fitness regiment, I know I am a slacker and lazy. We will be spending time with family for the 4th then I have to play a birthday party for John (59) and for Lilly who will be 1!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What is Peko Peko? (cookbook to raise money for tsunami recovery effort in Japan)

What is Peko Peko?

Echoes in the Forest By Erin Dameron-Hill

I just finished reading Erin Dameron-Hill's new short story Echoes in the Forest after I joined a chat with her on New Concept Publishing's website. Erin was interesting and fun to chat with and the story made me eager to read her other works. A story of forbidden love between Clover and Wulff makes me eager to see where their story goes and how the world around them evolves. As soon as I read more of Erin's work I will be sure to post a little teaser about them.

Airline bans babies from first class | BabyCenter

Airline bans babies from first class | BabyCenter

Monday, June 27, 2011

Online Education in the now

Online education has expanded over the last few years with a 21% increase in enrollment since 2009. Now not only are degrees/certificates available from strictly online schools but both private and public colleges have added more online courses. With the increase in courses offered over 1 million more students have taken online offerings. This brings the total of online students to over 5.6 million. This takes into account students taking at least 1 online course. The number of students taking online courses are expected to keep climbing along with the number of courses and degree programs available to them. Take a look at some of the offerings from a few different schools and see if you something that feels right for you. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Step up and offer support! Mamavation Monday Week 13

Since I got out of school it has been going wide open. I stayed with my aunt who had gastric bypass surgery then we went to her son's wedding in Florida and helped with the kids. After a week in Florida we took the kids back to his house in New Orleans and kept them for a week while they went on their honeymoon. The week we came back my daughter had to have her gall bladder taken out and a week and a half later the same aunt had hers out. On top of all that I have been babysitting for my daughter from 4:30am till around 5:00pm. This poor old lady has about physically supported out for a while. My summer is flying by and school stats back in August and that seems like it is around the corner. I try to give my support online as well and thing that even the smallest steps deserve a nod and smile. Support can be as simple as a smile or a nod or as complicated as keeping someones power turned on when they are having a hard time. So share the small things especially if someone you know is trying to get fit and or loose weight. Don't laugh or shrun their determination off even if you don't support or believe them smile and nod. That is what is so great about the Sistahood and If you need a hand up someone is always there to give it, or if you need a gentle slap on the hand or a kick in the butt someone is there to share the love. is full of products that help support a healthy and fit lifestyle so check them out they even have ways to help you not only eat smarter but travel smarter. 

This post is sponsored by EatSmart Products and I’m writing this to be entered into a EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale giveaway hosted by Mamavation

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Ms Mary's World

Well today I got my refrigerator cleaned out, now you might not think that is a task but for the last week I have had both of my granddaughter's and they are 11 months and almost 4 years. Tomorrow we will tackle my closet for a spring/summer cleaning with the "help" of the 3yo. I am working on my blog and trying to get where I can get some reviews on here and eventually some giveaways. Off to take care of the babies till their mom comes to get them. (btw they got here at 4:30 am every morning)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kmart Double Coupons Through 6/25 :: Southern Savers – Coupons, Ads & Deals

Kmart Double Coupons Through 6/25 :: Southern Savers – Coupons, Ads & Deals

Email from corporate with rules.

Good Afternoon Mary,
Thank you for contacting regarding the rules for the double coupons.
I appreciate your interest in choosing Kmart for your shopping needs.
We appreciate your interest in our double coupon event. This event is for select participating Kmart locations from 06/19/11 to 06/25/11.
The rules for this event are:
1. Manufacturer Coupons will be doubled up to $0.99.
2. Offer dates: 06/19 - 06/25
3. In-store Activation must be tied to Shop Your Way Rewards card.
4. Does not include Kmart Store Coupons
5. Does not include Kmart Pharmacy Store Coupons
6. This event is only for the following product divisions only: 15 (Beauty), 25 (Stationery), 29 (Consumables), 32 (Celebration), 33 (Edibles), 38 (Drugstore), 71 (Reader's Market), 174 (Grocery), 274 (Dairy Frozen), 374 (Meat), 474 (Produce), 574 (Bakery), 674 (Deli), 774 (Seafood), 874 (Floral)
Shop Your Way Rewards Program Details:
1. Customers can sign up in store or online at
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4. Members who shop at a Kmart store and scan their membership card at checkout will be entered for a chance to win a Kmart K'Ching Surprise.
Again, thank you for your interest in our Kmart Double Coupon Event. We invite you to visit any of the participating stores.
Let us know if we can be of any further assistance, you may reply to this email or contact our chat support or phone support at 1-800-733-7249.
We thank you for your patience and cooperation. We are here for you! We value your business and look forward to serving you in the future. Have a wonderful day!
We want to make you happy. Take our survey to tell us how we're doing.
Make sure you're registered at for emails, so we can stay in touch!
Look for great bargains throughout the store and find Kmart exclusive brands like Thalia Sodi, Joe Boxer, Route 66 and Jaclyn Smith.
Lily S. (lsukuma)
Kmart Customer Care 

Something New

Today I joined 2 companies to see if I can take my blog and twitter to the next level. I joined a company that puts bloggers with companies that want someone to review their products, services, or books. I love to give my opinion and people seem to listen to be so I give my opinion everywhere. (much to my family's embarrassment) I also signed up with since I spend so much time tweeting anyway I figured I could earn a little extra while doing it. We will see how things go and if either or both of these companies are what they say. Stay tuned for more in the saga of "Mary wants to make some money and review products and services." I almost forgot! I am a member of This site is a great place to meet other bloggers and be matched with products and services to review.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sign up for No More Rack!

Check out today's Deals

Mamavation Monday #12 What accomplishment have you done recently that brings a smile to your face?

I got my desk cleared off this week and that was  a major miracle. I have been gone a lot since my school semester ended and and just now getting into the summer organizational groove. We also had a huge storm here on Thursday and today we moved limbs into a huge pile. The most smile worthy thing I have gotten done this week though is picking some squash from my little garden and a couple of radishes. I love to grill fresh vegetables in the summer and even more if they come from my own garden. We are still eating better and I am going to find exercises that are appropriate for someone with an abdominal hernia. I guess if I can even loose that first few pounds I will know it is possible and take heart. I can't wait to meet and listen to Miss Lori from Check out her site and don't forget to visit and to learn all about Mamavation Moms!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Technical Difficulty

I need to figure out how to get things to post under the page I want them on so bare with me or if you know help a lady out. Thanks

Things to Consider

As I ready for this journey I have looked at a lot of places for help. I looked at the popular Weight Watchers (have been on that before) and found out that it is just to expensive for my husband and I to do. The same can be said for the popular programs like Jenny Craig and NutriSystem the are all good programs just not for someone on a limited budget. That is when I found This group of ladies approaches weight loss like it should be, it is not just about loosing weight but about changing your life. I really wanted to apply to be a Mamavation Mom but after seeing the exercise regiment I think it is a lost cause. Although, even if your not chosen as a MM you are still supported and helped through your journey to a healthy you.

I have had 3 Cesarean sections and an abdominal hysterectomy that has left me with an abdominal hernia and with no insurance no way to get it fixed. The limits of this type of hernia are that I am not supposed to lift or do anything that puts to much strain on my abdomen. SO that leaves me with few exercises I can safety do. We are working on getting a recumbent bike since those do not hurt my back and don't put a strain on my abdomen. I am looking for exercises that I can do so any ideas would be great!

I plan on posting a picture of myself in all my glory and when I get a new scale the obligatory scale picture (need a pedi for that one). I also plan on keeping everyone up on John's quest and how his weight loss is affecting his insulin use. I will make him do pictures and scales to. I hope to have sections added to the book, food, and product review sections so that you can add your reviews, recipes, tips and tricks as soon as my blog designer (daughters boyfriend) figures them out for me or I do.

See you on the road....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mamavation Monday #11 The family that eats well and plays hard together wins!

I am an emotional eater so I eat all the time,happy or sad. I am learning slowly with the help of all these good blogs, websites, Mamavation Mondays and just everybodys help to start changing.

How often do you and your family eat meals together and get active together?

Our family eats together as much as possible, we used to eat at the table almost every night but lately it is 3 of us in the living room and my son in the "bat cave". I really want to work this summer to get us back together and eating as a family.

Discuss the Importance of Good Nutrition and Healthy Eating Habits

I love to grill veggies and cook low fat meats on there to. With school and everything I got slack and we started sliding back into the "fast is good" frame of mind. I will have fresh squash and tomatoes in the next week and I am bound and determined that we ALL are going to eat healthy and get fit. Hubby and I both need to loose an extra person we are carrying around and my son and daughter both need to eat healthy. So I am excited about being a part of and applying to be a Mamavation Mom (if I can get a little time to do the video).

This post is sponsored by Together Counts and I’m writing this to be entered into a Qlip Any-where Pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Philadelphia Cream Cheese Dip

This is so............ good! When I make it we eat it on crackers, red peppers, carrots, celery, anything. It is very easy,

Philadelphia 1/3 less fat cream cheese
1 small package of flake salmon

Mix together and YUMMMM

You can use 2 packages of cream cheese to 1 of salmon if you like less or however you like it. My daughter sometimes adds a little chili powder or chopped onions just try some of your favorites and try it.

ENJOY! (this is also good for someone on the gastric bypass diet and on the regular food)

Fit Mom in Training

Fit Mom in Training

Friday, June 10, 2011

Avocado Sesame Seed Salad | BlogHer

Avocado Sesame Seed Salad | BlogHer

Bounty $5 coupons Facebook

Good morning Bounty fans! Don't forget about today's $5 coupon giveaway. We will be making an edit to the Bounty page wall to ensure everyone gets the latest Bounty coupon updates throughout the day. The coupon link will be posted at a surprise time later today for your chance at one of the 5000 non-printable coupons. These coupons are first come, first served and will be mailed out in 4-6 weeks. Thanks fans!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Going Home

Going home tonight and tomorrow I swear I will get started on my video application for Mamavation Moms! I have been accepted into the Sistahood so I am on the road to a better me/us.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm a new Sista in the mamavation sistahood!

I have been excepted into the Sistahood on mamavation moms and can't wait to get started! I have to make my video to apply to be a mamavation mom when I get back home then send it in and fill out the application. I will depend on everyone to help me out by telling Leah how much I need to be picked.

Monday, June 6, 2011

What gaps in your nutrition knowledge do you want to fill?

This post is sponsored by Omron Healthcare and I’m writing this to be entered into a Omron Go Smart Pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation. We use Splenda or another brand like it in our home. I have seen where they say you can take off the alcohols and make it sugar free or that it is bad for you and still is a sugar, Help! what is the truth and what is fiction.

Mamavation Monday

Well I have decided to apply for the Mamavation Mom's and I am scared to death! I love the idea of the Sistas everyone needs a little help and encouragement along the line and it is nice to have people that have been there done that and got the t-shirt. Hubby and I both enjoy the live chats on Monday nights, seeing the accomplishments the Mamavation Mom's made through the week.I have big plans but I really need some help getting everything in order and started, I want not just me but my whole family to be healthy, my hubby is a diabetic and we need to loose weight and eat healthy all the time. We have started and are really trying but eating healthy on a budget is sometimes hard when the less expensive foods are the worst for you. With my family to help and my online friends to support me I need to loose a WHOLE person so be ready to give me a hand, shoulder, or a kick in the pants!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nicole's Hospital Stay

My daughter has been in the hospital since Friday, she had her gallbladder out yesterday and will go home tomorrow morning. I am unpopular here since I ask questions and want to know why they change things why they give different medicines, etc. Take control of your health and that of your loved one don't just take someones word for something just because they have a nametag. Doctors and nurses are not all knowing and sometimes mistakes are made. I have the utmost respect for health care workers being one myself in a former life but I am still going to ask why and YES infections are spread in the hospital a lot. Ask questions remember you are the boss and you are paying the bills so take charge and even if you happen to tick someone off know your rights and responsibilities and keep yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy. SO don't worry if you are not the most popular mom, spouse, sister, brother, dad, or daughter at the hospital or doctors office, ask.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thoughts on getting in shape

It is time again for Mamavation to pick new moms and I am seriously thinking about taking the fat in my hands and loosing weight and trying to get into shape. With John having diabetes we HAVE to get healthy and I am just so tired of being tired and looking like an oompaloompa. I will put in the application and do the video then I will need all of my friends and family to help me by letting them know that I am not alone and that I have the backing of family and friends in one of the most important endeavors of my life. Anyone with hints, helps, advice, cautions, or just a kind word let me know. My twitter handle is @msmary1962 and my facebook is so let me know what you think.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Still trying to figure it out

Still trying to figure out how to use the link thing to send it to different pages. Work and try is all I can do :D

Sell your unused kids stuff or buy

Maid Service, House Cleaning Services, Merry Maids

Maid Service, House Cleaning Services, Merry Maids

Now is the time to spring clean with Merry Maids or how about a Mothers Day present for your mon?

Almost out of school for the summer!!!

Monday May the 2nd is my last day of school till fall and I am so ready. My daughter is getting married on May 6th then I leave for Florida for my cousins wedding. It is shaping up to be a long summer. I can't wait till the NASCAR race in Atlanta at AMS this year, have the tickets and camping spot. Still learning how to do this blog thing and will get better as I go. Have a good day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Kroger Weekly Ad 4/10-4/16 :: Southern Savers – Extreme Couponing Southern Style

Kroger Weekly Ad 4/10-4/16 :: Southern Savers – Extreme Couponing Southern Style

Frugal Girls! (1)

Frugal Girls! (1) She is giving away free Kindles when she gets to 10000

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sherrilyn Kenyon Yet another in my favorites list some of the yummiest men on paper.

Official Site of New York Times Bestselling Author Laurell K Hamilton

Official Site of New York Times Bestselling Author Laurell K Hamilton My all time favorite among my favorites. Be careful thought or you will become addicted.

JR Ward - Best-selling Paranormal Romance Author

JR Ward - Best-selling Paranormal Romance Author One of my favorite authors!!! check her out if you need a good read.

Decorative Eggs in a Basket | Home Made Simple

Decorative Eggs in a Basket | Home Made Simple

Grateful Giveaways: Celebrating a Season for Giving

Grateful Giveaways: Celebrating a Season for Giving

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mamavation — Mamavation | Healthy Living | Lifestyle | Weight Loss | Fitness Program for Moms

Mamavation — Mamavation | Healthy Living | Lifestyle | Weight Loss | Fitness Program for Moms

Anyone else go to summer camp :D

Waddle ee acha, waddle ee acha,
doodle ee do, doodle ee doo,
Waddle ee acha, waddle ee acha,
doodle ee do, doodle ee doo,

It's the simplest thing, nothing much to it,
All you gotta do is doodle ee do it.
I like the song, and the part I like the best,
is the doodle ee, doodle ee, doodle ee
doodle ee, doodle ee, doodle ee dooooo. Whoooo!

Lora Leigh's Navarro's Promise

As with all of her books Navarro's Promise is a wonderful addition to the Breed series. Navarro and Mica are two of my favorite so far as they work hard to overcome to be together. If you enjoyed her other books or any books about the furrier set then you will enjoy Navarro's Promise.

Add a forum or social network to your blog with BlogFrog

Add a forum or social network to your blog with BlogFrog

Great blog community I have so much fun in the International Delight community Coffee Talk!

Coupon site with stores, coupons and list galore!

Wonderful site that lets you shop your favorite stores and tells you what is on sale and where to find the coupons. They also have links to other types of deals also.

Are TLC Extreme Couponing Participants Couponing Ethically?

Are TLC Extreme Couponing Participants Couponing Ethically?

First on the page!!

I plan on getting serious with this blog and will try to share all of the goodies and information I can. Feel free to comment and share from your blogs also.


Book & Trailer Showcase

Book & Trailer Showcase

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