Monday, July 11, 2011

Mamavation Monday Twitter party to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Mamavation!

Well it is official the 2 year birthday of and Bookieboo is having a PARTY!!!!!! Tonight in fact.

It has been a long week but I finally got a few things done like my calendar for the next school year, now all I have to do is wait till they give J a final schedule and I will be done with that. It is full of Mamavation Mondays and ZipList lunch. The classes just fill in between Twitter parties LOL. See everyone tonight!

The main event tonight will be the announcement of the 2 new Mamavation Mom's and I can't wait to see who is picked. There are a lot of special ladies that are putting it all on the line tonight so show up and give them your support.

1 comment:

Andrea Kruse said...

Sounds like a busy schedule. Glad you will be at Mamavation Tv and, of course, the twitter party tonight!

Have a good week.


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