Monday, June 6, 2011

Mamavation Monday

Well I have decided to apply for the Mamavation Mom's and I am scared to death! I love the idea of the Sistas everyone needs a little help and encouragement along the line and it is nice to have people that have been there done that and got the t-shirt. Hubby and I both enjoy the live chats on Monday nights, seeing the accomplishments the Mamavation Mom's made through the week.I have big plans but I really need some help getting everything in order and started, I want not just me but my whole family to be healthy, my hubby is a diabetic and we need to loose weight and eat healthy all the time. We have started and are really trying but eating healthy on a budget is sometimes hard when the less expensive foods are the worst for you. With my family to help and my online friends to support me I need to loose a WHOLE person so be ready to give me a hand, shoulder, or a kick in the pants!


Ms Mary said... here is a link to a great company check it out!

Katie said...

Congratulations on your decision to apply to be one of the moms! That's a huge decision. I'm hoping to get to apply, as well, but it will depend on some family issues. Keep up the good work!

Andrea Kruse said...

Way to go! Applying to be a campaign 9 Mom is a big step. Good luck with your application. Let me know if you have any questions or need help, I am here to support the new campaign of Moms.

Be sure to link up your application

And best of luck! You have the power to make real changes in your life. I believe in you.

Grace Matthews said...

Congrats on your decision to apply. I am applying too so we can support each other.

Ms Mary said...

I am going to need all the help I can get! and will be glad to help anyone else I can.


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