Monday, July 18, 2011

Mamavation Monday Week 2

Question: What has been your favorite Grunt Style workout? If you aren’t doing his workouts what has been your strength training routine?

I looked at the videos and the directions and got scared to death! I am very overweight and have not exercised in to many years to count so I just did not try. I start school in August so I will go to the gym in my over 2 hour break between classes. I may have to start with walking on the treadmill for 10 minutes and work my way up from there but I WILL at least try.

“This post is sponsored by Grunt Style and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Grunt Style.”


Shelley said...

What I love about the gruntstyle workouts is that you don't need a gym or weights or equipment at all to do them. Why wait until school starts? no time like the present :)

Anonymous said...

Don't wait until August, I know from experience how procrastination can totally de-reail your plans. Even 10-15 minutes around your neighborhood or the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs are a great start.

Good luck!

Katie said...

I totally get where you're coming from but don't give up before you've even gotten started. I can't do a full Grunt Style workout so I do what I can. Even a little bit is better than nothing at all. If you need encouragement, don't hesitate to shout out to us. We're all here for you!

Anonymous said...

Like those who have posted before me, just try a little bit tomorrow, a little more the next day etc.. The longer you wait to start, the harder and longer it will be until exercise is "easy". I'd love to see you succeed (feel free to DM me for other workout ideas - I'm a kinesiologist). Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I'm terrified to try the workouts, too! But I'm going to do it. Even if I have to stop every two minutes, I'm going to do it. WE CAN DO THIS!


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