Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mott's for Tots

With 40% less sugar than 100% apple juice, Mott's for Tots® is a healthy treat kids will love and moms will love to give. Sign up now to receive information and savings on Mott's for Tots. And don't forget to pass this offer on to other moms with kids.

Ms Mary's World

It has been a few days since I posted, I have been busy running errands and just living life. I still have not started my fitness regiment, I know I am a slacker and lazy. We will be spending time with family for the 4th then I have to play a birthday party for John (59) and for Lilly who will be 1!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What is Peko Peko? (cookbook to raise money for tsunami recovery effort in Japan)

What is Peko Peko?

Echoes in the Forest By Erin Dameron-Hill

I just finished reading Erin Dameron-Hill's new short story Echoes in the Forest after I joined a chat with her on New Concept Publishing's website. Erin was interesting and fun to chat with and the story made me eager to read her other works. A story of forbidden love between Clover and Wulff makes me eager to see where their story goes and how the world around them evolves. As soon as I read more of Erin's work I will be sure to post a little teaser about them.

Airline bans babies from first class | BabyCenter

Airline bans babies from first class | BabyCenter

Monday, June 27, 2011

Online Education in the now

Online education has expanded over the last few years with a 21% increase in enrollment since 2009. Now not only are degrees/certificates available from strictly online schools but both private and public colleges have added more online courses. With the increase in courses offered over 1 million more students have taken online offerings. This brings the total of online students to over 5.6 million. This takes into account students taking at least 1 online course. The number of students taking online courses are expected to keep climbing along with the number of courses and degree programs available to them. Take a look at some of the offerings from a few different schools and see if you something that feels right for you. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Step up and offer support! Mamavation Monday Week 13

Since I got out of school it has been going wide open. I stayed with my aunt who had gastric bypass surgery then we went to her son's wedding in Florida and helped with the kids. After a week in Florida we took the kids back to his house in New Orleans and kept them for a week while they went on their honeymoon. The week we came back my daughter had to have her gall bladder taken out and a week and a half later the same aunt had hers out. On top of all that I have been babysitting for my daughter from 4:30am till around 5:00pm. This poor old lady has about physically supported out for a while. My summer is flying by and school stats back in August and that seems like it is around the corner. I try to give my support online as well and thing that even the smallest steps deserve a nod and smile. Support can be as simple as a smile or a nod or as complicated as keeping someones power turned on when they are having a hard time. So share the small things especially if someone you know is trying to get fit and or loose weight. Don't laugh or shrun their determination off even if you don't support or believe them smile and nod. That is what is so great about the Sistahood and If you need a hand up someone is always there to give it, or if you need a gentle slap on the hand or a kick in the butt someone is there to share the love. is full of products that help support a healthy and fit lifestyle so check them out they even have ways to help you not only eat smarter but travel smarter. 

This post is sponsored by EatSmart Products and I’m writing this to be entered into a EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale giveaway hosted by Mamavation

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Ms Mary's World

Well today I got my refrigerator cleaned out, now you might not think that is a task but for the last week I have had both of my granddaughter's and they are 11 months and almost 4 years. Tomorrow we will tackle my closet for a spring/summer cleaning with the "help" of the 3yo. I am working on my blog and trying to get where I can get some reviews on here and eventually some giveaways. Off to take care of the babies till their mom comes to get them. (btw they got here at 4:30 am every morning)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kmart Double Coupons Through 6/25 :: Southern Savers – Coupons, Ads & Deals

Kmart Double Coupons Through 6/25 :: Southern Savers – Coupons, Ads & Deals

Email from corporate with rules.

Good Afternoon Mary,
Thank you for contacting regarding the rules for the double coupons.
I appreciate your interest in choosing Kmart for your shopping needs.
We appreciate your interest in our double coupon event. This event is for select participating Kmart locations from 06/19/11 to 06/25/11.
The rules for this event are:
1. Manufacturer Coupons will be doubled up to $0.99.
2. Offer dates: 06/19 - 06/25
3. In-store Activation must be tied to Shop Your Way Rewards card.
4. Does not include Kmart Store Coupons
5. Does not include Kmart Pharmacy Store Coupons
6. This event is only for the following product divisions only: 15 (Beauty), 25 (Stationery), 29 (Consumables), 32 (Celebration), 33 (Edibles), 38 (Drugstore), 71 (Reader's Market), 174 (Grocery), 274 (Dairy Frozen), 374 (Meat), 474 (Produce), 574 (Bakery), 674 (Deli), 774 (Seafood), 874 (Floral)
Shop Your Way Rewards Program Details:
1. Customers can sign up in store or online at
2. Shop Your Way Rewards members will earn a minimum of 1% back in rewards on qualifying purchases at Kmart, Sears, Lands' End at Sears,, and (some Sears format exclusions apply such as Licensed Business and Home Services).
3. Rewards will be stored on the member’s card and are available for use within seven days of purchase
4. Members who shop at a Kmart store and scan their membership card at checkout will be entered for a chance to win a Kmart K'Ching Surprise.
Again, thank you for your interest in our Kmart Double Coupon Event. We invite you to visit any of the participating stores.
Let us know if we can be of any further assistance, you may reply to this email or contact our chat support or phone support at 1-800-733-7249.
We thank you for your patience and cooperation. We are here for you! We value your business and look forward to serving you in the future. Have a wonderful day!
We want to make you happy. Take our survey to tell us how we're doing.
Make sure you're registered at for emails, so we can stay in touch!
Look for great bargains throughout the store and find Kmart exclusive brands like Thalia Sodi, Joe Boxer, Route 66 and Jaclyn Smith.
Lily S. (lsukuma)
Kmart Customer Care 

Something New

Today I joined 2 companies to see if I can take my blog and twitter to the next level. I joined a company that puts bloggers with companies that want someone to review their products, services, or books. I love to give my opinion and people seem to listen to be so I give my opinion everywhere. (much to my family's embarrassment) I also signed up with since I spend so much time tweeting anyway I figured I could earn a little extra while doing it. We will see how things go and if either or both of these companies are what they say. Stay tuned for more in the saga of "Mary wants to make some money and review products and services." I almost forgot! I am a member of This site is a great place to meet other bloggers and be matched with products and services to review.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sign up for No More Rack!

Check out today's Deals

Mamavation Monday #12 What accomplishment have you done recently that brings a smile to your face?

I got my desk cleared off this week and that was  a major miracle. I have been gone a lot since my school semester ended and and just now getting into the summer organizational groove. We also had a huge storm here on Thursday and today we moved limbs into a huge pile. The most smile worthy thing I have gotten done this week though is picking some squash from my little garden and a couple of radishes. I love to grill fresh vegetables in the summer and even more if they come from my own garden. We are still eating better and I am going to find exercises that are appropriate for someone with an abdominal hernia. I guess if I can even loose that first few pounds I will know it is possible and take heart. I can't wait to meet and listen to Miss Lori from Check out her site and don't forget to visit and to learn all about Mamavation Moms!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Technical Difficulty

I need to figure out how to get things to post under the page I want them on so bare with me or if you know help a lady out. Thanks

Things to Consider

As I ready for this journey I have looked at a lot of places for help. I looked at the popular Weight Watchers (have been on that before) and found out that it is just to expensive for my husband and I to do. The same can be said for the popular programs like Jenny Craig and NutriSystem the are all good programs just not for someone on a limited budget. That is when I found This group of ladies approaches weight loss like it should be, it is not just about loosing weight but about changing your life. I really wanted to apply to be a Mamavation Mom but after seeing the exercise regiment I think it is a lost cause. Although, even if your not chosen as a MM you are still supported and helped through your journey to a healthy you.

I have had 3 Cesarean sections and an abdominal hysterectomy that has left me with an abdominal hernia and with no insurance no way to get it fixed. The limits of this type of hernia are that I am not supposed to lift or do anything that puts to much strain on my abdomen. SO that leaves me with few exercises I can safety do. We are working on getting a recumbent bike since those do not hurt my back and don't put a strain on my abdomen. I am looking for exercises that I can do so any ideas would be great!

I plan on posting a picture of myself in all my glory and when I get a new scale the obligatory scale picture (need a pedi for that one). I also plan on keeping everyone up on John's quest and how his weight loss is affecting his insulin use. I will make him do pictures and scales to. I hope to have sections added to the book, food, and product review sections so that you can add your reviews, recipes, tips and tricks as soon as my blog designer (daughters boyfriend) figures them out for me or I do.

See you on the road....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mamavation Monday #11 The family that eats well and plays hard together wins!

I am an emotional eater so I eat all the time,happy or sad. I am learning slowly with the help of all these good blogs, websites, Mamavation Mondays and just everybodys help to start changing.

How often do you and your family eat meals together and get active together?

Our family eats together as much as possible, we used to eat at the table almost every night but lately it is 3 of us in the living room and my son in the "bat cave". I really want to work this summer to get us back together and eating as a family.

Discuss the Importance of Good Nutrition and Healthy Eating Habits

I love to grill veggies and cook low fat meats on there to. With school and everything I got slack and we started sliding back into the "fast is good" frame of mind. I will have fresh squash and tomatoes in the next week and I am bound and determined that we ALL are going to eat healthy and get fit. Hubby and I both need to loose an extra person we are carrying around and my son and daughter both need to eat healthy. So I am excited about being a part of and applying to be a Mamavation Mom (if I can get a little time to do the video).

This post is sponsored by Together Counts and I’m writing this to be entered into a Qlip Any-where Pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Philadelphia Cream Cheese Dip

This is so............ good! When I make it we eat it on crackers, red peppers, carrots, celery, anything. It is very easy,

Philadelphia 1/3 less fat cream cheese
1 small package of flake salmon

Mix together and YUMMMM

You can use 2 packages of cream cheese to 1 of salmon if you like less or however you like it. My daughter sometimes adds a little chili powder or chopped onions just try some of your favorites and try it.

ENJOY! (this is also good for someone on the gastric bypass diet and on the regular food)

Fit Mom in Training

Fit Mom in Training

Friday, June 10, 2011

Avocado Sesame Seed Salad | BlogHer

Avocado Sesame Seed Salad | BlogHer

Bounty $5 coupons Facebook

Good morning Bounty fans! Don't forget about today's $5 coupon giveaway. We will be making an edit to the Bounty page wall to ensure everyone gets the latest Bounty coupon updates throughout the day. The coupon link will be posted at a surprise time later today for your chance at one of the 5000 non-printable coupons. These coupons are first come, first served and will be mailed out in 4-6 weeks. Thanks fans!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Going Home

Going home tonight and tomorrow I swear I will get started on my video application for Mamavation Moms! I have been accepted into the Sistahood so I am on the road to a better me/us.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm a new Sista in the mamavation sistahood!

I have been excepted into the Sistahood on mamavation moms and can't wait to get started! I have to make my video to apply to be a mamavation mom when I get back home then send it in and fill out the application. I will depend on everyone to help me out by telling Leah how much I need to be picked.

Monday, June 6, 2011

What gaps in your nutrition knowledge do you want to fill?

This post is sponsored by Omron Healthcare and I’m writing this to be entered into a Omron Go Smart Pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation. We use Splenda or another brand like it in our home. I have seen where they say you can take off the alcohols and make it sugar free or that it is bad for you and still is a sugar, Help! what is the truth and what is fiction.

Mamavation Monday

Well I have decided to apply for the Mamavation Mom's and I am scared to death! I love the idea of the Sistas everyone needs a little help and encouragement along the line and it is nice to have people that have been there done that and got the t-shirt. Hubby and I both enjoy the live chats on Monday nights, seeing the accomplishments the Mamavation Mom's made through the week.I have big plans but I really need some help getting everything in order and started, I want not just me but my whole family to be healthy, my hubby is a diabetic and we need to loose weight and eat healthy all the time. We have started and are really trying but eating healthy on a budget is sometimes hard when the less expensive foods are the worst for you. With my family to help and my online friends to support me I need to loose a WHOLE person so be ready to give me a hand, shoulder, or a kick in the pants!


Book & Trailer Showcase

Book & Trailer Showcase

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