Monday, July 4, 2011

Mamavation Monday #13 How did well did you manage to eat healthy over the holiday weekend (4th of July and Canada Day)? Any tips for the rest of the summer?

How did well did you manage to eat healthy over the holiday weekend (4th of July and Canada Day)? Any tips for the rest of the summer?

Well.... we are staying at my aunts house and doing the 4th here. We have worked all weekend getting her pool up and furniture put together and gazebo done. Eating good, some good some bad. We cooked some great squash on the grill and beef patties. I have eaten a good bit of salad this weekend and lots and lots and lots of water.

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MommaDJane said...

Sounds like a great 4th of July spent with family. I wish I was putting a pool up today, in this heat I could use one. ;-)

I love preparing squash on the grill.

Anonymous said...

Squash on the grill is something I've never heard of, but it sounds delish!

Have an awesome week!

kia said...

Sounds active, delicious, and overall enjoyable - the last is the big one I strive for.

MNMSpecial said...

I wish we were able to go home for the fourth, but I am glad you are enjoying it for me :)

I've also never tried squash on the grill, never would have thought of it with out you. Thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

Squash on the grill is one of my favorites! Salad is always good, and two thumbs up on the lots and lots of water! Hope this week is a great one for you! :)

Shelley said...

I do love squash on the grill YUM YUM! and it's always fun when you get to spend time working along side family isn't it? (or am I the weird one?) I hope you enjoyed the pool and furniture after you worked to put it all up :)

Resa said...

Mmmmmm, grilled squash!! Sounds like you guys worked hard on your Aunt's place - hope you enjoyed the fruits of your labors!


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