Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Daily Dot

Daily Dot:

'via Blog this'

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Boys' Bedding Sets, Bedding Sets for Boys | PBteen

Boys' Bedding Sets, Bedding Sets for Boys | PBteen:

'via Blog this'

Monday, August 22, 2011

Marketing to Women: How Many Use QR Codes?

Marketing to Women: How Many Use QR Codes?

Little Levine

Little Levine



Mamavation Monday

Why do you think exploring intimacy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle?
Speaking from the point of view of someone that has been married the the same person for almost 26 years and living together for 4 years before that I can attest that after a while you can get stuck in a rut! Not only is a healthy sex life fun and exciting but it is good for you. Kissing, foreplay, intercourse all can be aerobic activities and can burn calories.

Intimacy can be sex or something as simple as holding hands, a look or a touch. Even after close to 30 years together I still love to pat my husband on the behind (I's a behind woman) or just enjoy listening to him talk. So, remember intimacy is not only intercourse and not only carried out in the bedroom but in every room and every touch.

This post is sponsored by Eden Fantasys and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mamavation Monday

What qualities do you look for in a healthy breakfast? Any go-to breakfast recommendations for a busy mom?

I need something that is fast (Unless I make steel cut oats in the slow cooker overnight.)Usually we have instant oatmeal or some type of cold cereal for breakfast on the week days then I cook a big breakfast on the weekends or for special occasions. I have a fast growing 17yo son, a diabetic husband, and me who needs to loose a whole person so I have to make what I fix or have on hand healthy but low fat and carbohydrate. I finally got my husband after years of swearing he would never touch instant oatmeal try it and he liked it! That will make breakfast a lot easier for me and it is something that when he starts working on the 3rd shift that he can even take to work and fix in the microwave. I also take medication for high cholesterol so I am hoping that like my mom that eating the oatmeal regularly will help me get off the medication since most of them are not good for your. We are slowly but surely changing from our not so good eating habits to good ones and we see the result as he has started backing his insulin intake down. (Yeah!!!)

Bob Harper and Quaker Oats

This post is sponsored by Quaker Oats and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Quaker Oats.

Don't forget that @gruntstyle will be the boss this week.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mamavation Monday

What are your current technology tactics in your healthy living journey?

I can't wait to listen to Ryan Monday night because he has the best twitter name anywhere @nomorebacon that is just so cool!

I don't have any yet but I want to incorporate Wii Fit and a few of those into my exercise regiment when I can start. I guess I do use the internet to look for new and hopefully exciting ways to make good food more fun. I also love to listen to the moms both current and past and all the great ladies of Mamavation and Bookieboo.com . I think the use of technology is great you can do anything from looking up recipes to being able to tell how many calories you burn in a 30 minute run.

These days everyone is so hurry up and get things done that with the little losses or the pat on the back for a job well done makes a huge difference and women who might otherwise never stand a chance in the fitness ring are now getting slimmer and healthier and happier just due to technology.

“This post is sponsored by Omron Fitness and I’m writing this to be entered into an Omron Fitness pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation .” a


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